15-Item Online DVD Rental Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

Respond to the following statements with:

a. Strongly Disagree b. Disagree c. Uncertain d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

Use the same questions to measure Blockbuster and GreenCine customer satisfaction.

  1. Netflix has a friendly community.
  2. Netflix provides few rentals per month.
  3. Netflix provides an economical price per rental.
  4. Netflix has a scant anime selection
  5. Netflix has a comprehensive foreign film selection.
  6. Netflix makes it difficult to add volumes of a series to your queue.
  7. Netflix envelopes are sturdy and easy to use.
  8. Netflix always provides rentals that play.
  9. Netflix doesn't use ethical business practices.
  10. Netflix provides useful movie recommendations.
  11. Netflix titles are always available.
  12. Netflix provides free in-store rentals.
  13. Netflix allows subscribers to rate individual volumes in a series.
  14. Netflix provides detailed volume information on serials.
  15. Netflix provides relevant search results.

Score Determination

Scoring for positively worded statements

Strongly Disagree=1 Disagree=2 Uncertain=3 Agree=4 Strongly Agree=5

Scoring for negatively worded statements

Strongly Disagree=5 Disagree=4 Uncertain=3 Agree=2 Strongly Agree=1

The score is the average of the 14 items.


Netflix  Blockbuster  Greencine
Community Friendliness 1 3 4
Movies Per Month 4 4 2
Price Per Rental 4 4 2
Anime Selection 4 2 5
Foreign Film Selection 1 1 1
Adding Volumes to Queue  4 2 4
Envelopes 3 2 5
Playable Rentals 2 2 4
Ethical Business Practices 1 3 3
Rental Recommendations 2 2 5
Availability 3 2 3
Free In-Store Rentals 2 4 2
Rate Volumes 2 4 4
Volume Information 4 2 5
Search Engine 3 3 4

AVERAGE 2.7 2.7 3.5
