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by Rentiers
02 Apr 2009 08:34
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: Just dropping a line
Replies: 1
Views: 59568

Re: FaceBook?

For any of y'all who might be on Facebook, you can do a search for William Rentiers and find my profile. I was in HHB 1/32FA commo platoon as a RTT team chief from Feb85 to Dec87.
by Rentiers
17 Mar 2009 14:22
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: 1/32nd FA in Fliegerhorst from Jan 85 - May 88
Replies: 17
Views: 307607

Re: 1/32nd FA in Fliegerhorst from Jan 85 - May 88

I remember Sherrill , he was one of my roomates when he first arrived to HHB !!!!! ----i can remember a female (blonde hair), a sorta chubby dude i think his name was Raftice ???? ....Do you remember PFC Wilis (???), i think that was his name, he moved in after stapleton left (??)....He stayed ...
by Rentiers
28 Feb 2009 16:28
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: 1/32nd FA in Fliegerhorst from Jan 85 - May 88
Replies: 17
Views: 307607

Re: I remember all those names

Yes, I remember you Maldonado. and yes, Sp4 Barber and "Reverend" Stapleton were RattRiggers. One of my good friends was Chip Shirell, who was in Stinger. Canty and 1SG were drinking buddies. I remember once Canty lost his drivers license for 3 months because he was driving drunk and ran through ...
by Rentiers
27 Feb 2009 10:19
Forum: General
Topic: What Was Your MOS & Duty Station?
Replies: 31
Views: 441558

Re: What Was Your MOS & Duty Station?

I was in 1/32FA at Fliegerhorst Kaserne from Feb85 to Dec87. I was a 31C10 (Ratt Rig) in HHB most of the time, but I was in SVC Btry for awhile too. I got there as an Sp4, made PFC :evil: and left as an Sp4 (promotable). Some of my friends & co-workers were Sp4 Joel Bass, Kermit Davidson, Pvt John ...
by Rentiers
22 Jan 2008 22:46
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: 1/32nd FA in Fliegerhorst from Jan 85 - May 88
Replies: 17
Views: 307607

I knew you

We have talked a few times over the past few years. I think we knew each other at least somewhat back at 1/32FA, because your face looks very familiar. No, Joel Bass and I were good friends, but he and I were definitely not the same guy :D Bass was 'unkempt' to put in kindly. He also was constantly ...
by Rentiers
21 Dec 2007 22:31
Forum: General
Topic: nicknames we earned while in the army
Replies: 6
Views: 114201


I wasn't a Lance guy, and I never got a nickname myself (not that I can remember). I was a 31C Ratt Rigg team cheif, and I used to give out several nicknames to others. I have given the nicknames Chip & Skip to (in this order) a Stinger guy named Shirrell and a Lt. Smith in commo. We called Sp4 Joel ...
by Rentiers
21 Dec 2007 21:50
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: 1/32nd FA in Fliegerhorst from Jan 85 - May 88
Replies: 17
Views: 307607

I remember all those names

I remember a Lt. Vestal. I remember many of those other officers also. Greg Pickell was (still is) one of my best friends, along with Sp4 Joel Bass . Greg is now married, with 2 little sons, rank of LTC, living in Springfield, VA, working at the Pentagon. (can you believe that shit?). Both of them ...