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by manuel
03 Oct 2009 08:25
Forum: Message Board Updates
Topic: Forum is locked
Replies: 0
Views: 224160

Forum is locked

I'm archiving our forum so visitors can still read messages. There will be no new registrations or posts. I plan on maintaining this forum and if conditions change I might open it again. It's been great meeting everyone :)
by manuel
19 May 2009 13:16
Forum: General
Topic: Board possibly closing
Replies: 2
Views: 73876

Board possibly closing

Our old board seemed to be doing very well several years ago. That's not the case now. For whatever reason, there's trolls driving people away and dealing with them has been a losing battle. I think most of the legitimate people interested in our forum have left. I'm not sure what I'll do yet. I ...
by manuel
06 Jan 2009 03:29
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: 1/32nd FA in Fliegerhorst from Jan 85 - May 88
Replies: 17
Views: 307608

Re: 1/32nd FA in Fliegerhorst from Jan 85 - May 88

ccmhunt wrote:v (manuel) you were my room-mate when I first moved to 1/32nd. Small world....
Great hearing from you. In SVC BTRY? Were you tall and thin with dark hair?
by manuel
29 Sep 2008 23:35
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: Bye bye hanau milcom
Replies: 9
Views: 142316

Re: Bye bye hanau milcom

Don't rember the name. I think he was a heavy-set white guy with a mustache. I remember Chief Chiasson bought a saab before he PCS'ed. Chiasson knew Lance inside and out.
by manuel
27 Sep 2008 23:56
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: Bye bye hanau milcom
Replies: 9
Views: 142316

Re: Bye bye hanau milcom

Thanks for passing that along. I wonder what happens to the facilty? I guess the Rendevouz went out of business too.
by manuel
04 Sep 2008 02:01
Forum: Planned Reunions
Topic: 73 - 76 reunion?
Replies: 1
Views: 60209

Re: 73 - 76 reunion?

1st post. Never met anyone and you want to start a reunion?
by manuel
19 Jul 2008 09:43
Forum: Planned Reunions
Topic: Reunion
Replies: 9
Views: 182548

Re: Reunion

It seems this is a scenario of the cart before the horse. Very little discussion on the general forum yet numerous requests for a reunion which is baffling. Considering the situation, I will lock this thread or remove the entire reunion forum if it continues.
by manuel
01 Jun 2008 11:13
Forum: General
Topic: What Made You Choose Lance?
Replies: 6
Views: 107842

Re: What Made You Choose Lance?

I chose a medic at first but was told I didn't score high enough on the ASVAB. Doesn't make sense since that was my MOS in the NG after active duty. Anyways, the Lance recruiting video looked interesting--and the $4,000 bonus.
by manuel
24 May 2008 09:47
Forum: Planned Reunions
Topic: Suspicion Surrounding Supposed "Reunion"
Replies: 15
Views: 213681

Re: Suspicion Surrounding Supposed "Reunion"

It's been over 6 months since the issue was raised. I've tried to keep an open mind however no one I've talked to in the mean time has ever heard of a reunion occurring as mentioned here. End of discussion.
by manuel
11 Mar 2008 00:24
Forum: General
Topic: David Motari: Idiot
Replies: 0
Views: 88296

David Motari: Idiot

I think this man says all that needs to be said:
by manuel
25 Feb 2008 15:56
Forum: General
Topic: ClassMates Disputing Charge
Replies: 0
Views: 91097

ClassMates Disputing Charge

Classmates took it upon their selves to bill my credit card again. I signed up for classmates about four months ago as a ONE TIME charge for 3 months membership. They offered a reoccurring plan which I did not choose. Somewhere in the fine print the ONE TIME charge turns into a reoccurring fee ...
by manuel
11 Jan 2008 06:19
Forum: 1st Bn 32nd FA LANCE (Proud Americans)
Topic: 1/32nd FA in Fliegerhorst from Jan 85 - May 88
Replies: 17
Views: 307608

Hi Bill. I'm sure I talked to you at one point or another. Now that you mention Bass, I might have you two confused. I checked out your site. I don't think you spoke much of gun rights back then. 1/32FA was definitely a learning experience. A wee bit oppressive too. Good luck with the site. :)
by manuel
10 Jan 2008 18:37
Forum: General
Topic: Printable Lance Logo
Replies: 2
Views: 73565

Printable Lance Logo

I've saved the Lance logo as scalable graphic which allows it to be printed in any size. I've placed a PDF of it on this site. Type "manuelsweb" as the password:
by manuel
12 Nov 2007 14:18
Forum: General
Topic: Send Your Pics/ Possible Photo Gallery
Replies: 3
Views: 79141

We have our own picture gallery!

Lance Unit Photos


I've placed some of Mary the Medic's 1/32FA pictures there. Here's instructions on setting up your own account.
by manuel
12 Nov 2007 14:01
Forum: General
Topic: Requesting Photo Album Account
Replies: 0
Views: 89006

Requesting Photo Album Account

EDIT: The gallery is discontinued on this site. It's too difficult to update. I'll look into an alternative like flickr or photobucket. :cry: