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Cold War Certificate
Rudy Keith

In 1998 the Secretary of Defense approved an award of Cold War Recognition Certificates to all members of the armed forces who faithfully and honorably served the US anytime during the Cold War era, which is defined as 09/02/45 to 12/26/91. The link for the application is:

This is the only official site on which to request Cold War Recognition Certificates. This site is operated by the U.S. Army, the executive agency for the Cold War Recognition Program. There is no cost for the certificate. Any other site offering certificates is a fake.


I think it took about 2 years but I finally got the certificate.

Rudy Keith

I just happened to be searching for "Lance" and "cold war," and this link came up. Is this something that gets put into your 214 file as well? I had never even heard of such a thing before, and I certainly didn't hear about it in 1998. There is no medal for cold war service?