New Message Board Lance Missile Contact Information

Lance (15D)
Luis Marales

I had my AIT at Ft Sill with Drill Sergeant Dandrige in 1975. Went to C 1/12 for two years. Went to White Sands (Oscuro Range Camp, Alamagordo, and Hollomon AFB) about four or five times. Mostly to fire from the Hot or Cold Chamber. By the way Oscuro Range camp was a building that was built to test Atomic Bombs. The facilty have all the luxuries of home minus the running water. We had to go to Hollomo AFB for showers.

After C 1/12 I went on Drill Sergeant status and then on to Recruiting duty. I rejoined Lance in 1983 when I went to C 1/32 Fligerhorst Kasserne. FRG. Went to Crete and had a fantastic time specially eating at the Pink Fish House. I had the fastest Fire mission that was ever recorded in Crete.

I then went on to an MLRS Battery at Ft Stewart. With the cold war over they were trying to get rid of all the 15Ds. I retired as a First sergeant of a Gun Bunny Battery but I remain to this day loyal to the Lance Missile System. I missed the reunion but I am sure we will have more to come. "God Speed" to those that are still serving. May you come home soon!

Ken Gove

First Sergeant Morales, I too am retired and did the Drill Sergeant time at Fort Sill from 1989 to 1991. I retired as the Station Commander of the recruiting station in New Iberia, Louisiana. I served in the Lance Missile System until 1992, when I was reclassified into the Infantry (Hooah) as an 11M. I spent 13 years in Lance. While I am sure you are proud of your accomplishments and that you were proud of the Lance Missile System, You must remember that there is no "I" in team which is what it requires in a Lance Missile Fire Mission. In all of my 22 years with the U.S. Army, I have never said "I" had a fastest or greatest score. You couldn't have done it without the rest of your SECTION. Maybe you should state that your SECTION recorded the fastest fire mission recorded in Crete. You cannot fire a Lance by yourself.

ed jackson

very well put ken i know your right because when i worked with you at camp pieri it did take the team to complete the mission. therefor there is no i in team ( tripple threat)

Luis Morales

My apologies to all my fellow section members, It was a team effort. Ken you are right. I had a senior moment and I regret that I failed to include them.

Ken Gove

Apology accepted on behalf of all the Lancer's out there First Sergeant. I know you meant well and we all are at a loss for the right words sometimes.

A former lancer 13N

I'm sorry too, MAN!


that i in team shit has ruined my postal career.can somebody hook me with a team job w/benefits?

Mark Laugisch

Top Morales,
Now that you've opened that can of worms, what was that recorded time in Crete? I was a gunner and eventually a section chief of a LANCE missile firing section that fired 100% percent in 1986, 2nd Fire C Btry 2/42 from Crailsheim. It was the highlight of my 11 year military career in LANCE.

Ken Gove

Hey Tim. I too am with the postal Service. I almost had a ruination of my postal career with the "I" in team shit as well. I then took the initiative to transfer to a better office where the "team thing" is very prevalent. Maybe you should consider finding an office where the union rules are followed and everyone works very well together without management hindering the prospect of good working conditions. Don't give up on the postal Service just because of managers who think they know everything because they don't. I have 6 years in the postal Service and I expect to be in management within the next 2 years. I am already 204B qualified and managed an 18 level office for a year as a PTF City carrier. You can go on line at and see what positions are available in other offices. Good luck to you in your endeavors.